New Year, Same Me – Just Improved!

Goodbye 2022, and HELLO 2023! Happy new year everyone!

I’ve never been big on new years resolutions. I’ve come to understand that anytime is a great time to start doing something new, so waiting until the start of the year to create a new habit or break a bad one has never worked for me. Instead, at the beginning of each year, I like to reflect on the year by reminiscing on the good, the bad, and the ugly. This year I wanted to share a few of those things with you all.

Before I get started, I want to say that if 2022 wasn’t the year you thought it would be, I’m praying and believing with you that 2023 will be a year of redemption. Be sure to show yourself some grace, especially during the first month of this year.

Now, let’s get into my 2022 recap starting with the ugly.

The ugly: living with anxiety

Happy New Year photo
Photo Credit

If you know me then you know that I am very Type A. Because of that, I tend to easily fall into fits of anxiety especially if things don’t go to plan. At first, this was something I was able to handle on my own by praying and journaling. But, this year my anxiety grew to new heights. I’d become easily agitated, developed a sensitive stomach, had health anxiety, and much more.

I knew I needed help when my old methods of coping weren’t helping any longer. I tried new methods like regularly fasting from social media, doing more in-depth bible studies, confiding in friends and family, and going to the gym. While these things did help, they still didn’t get me where I was hoping to be. That’s when I began to see a counselor close to home.

Now, I’d tried therapy before, but briefly, and did not stick to it. As a Christian, I always worried that seeking help from a counselor meant that I wasn’t praying hard enough or believing hard enough, but this year showed me that’s not true. In fact, God has given some people the spiritual gift of encouraging and guiding others. So, why not use those resources He’s placed before us?

Thankfully, after some time spent in counseling, I’ve become much better at managing my anxiety and identifying my triggers. I’m glad that “ugly” part of 2022 is slowly, but surely, turning around!

The bad: constant overworking

I love keeping busy. My schedule is figured out months in advance, and it’s always jam packed. This goes for my personal life as well as my work life — leaving little time for relaxation.

I noticed that my busyness was a problem when my motivation decreased and I lost my creative spark. I enjoy playing the guitar, singing, and writing but living in “survival mode” trying to keep up with everything going on in my life left no time to do the things I loved. So, I stopped doing them. Now, I did show myself some grace in this area because I was planning my wedding for most of the year (November 12, 2022, was the best day ever!), so that was the primary source of my busyness. But, besides that, I wish I had done a better job at saying no to additional freelance projects, events, and other things that competed for my time.

In 2023 I want to make it a point to put myself first to avoid overworking and/or overextending myself. As a recovering people pleaser, we’ll see how that works out!

The good: becoming a wife

Now, to the highlight of my year! On November 12, 2022, I GOT MARRIED!

Getting married was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Thankfully, everything leading up to the wedding and on the day of went smoothly. We also had a relaxing beachside honeymoon in Grenada, which I’ll tell you guys all about in a separate post!

Now that things have calmed down from the wedding I’ve been in a state of adapting to change and learning. As the oldest child/daughter in my family, I’ve always played a big role in my family. I’d be lying if I said this change has been easy. Of course, I LOVE my husband and the life that we are building, but it’s been an interesting time adjusting from living at home for close to 26 years, and then on my own.

I’ve done a lot of growing these past few weeks and I’m looking forward to continuing that growth. Every day I work to honor God by loving and supporting my husband, and I love it. Marriage is beautiful and I’m thankful for the man I have by my side!

Again, happy new year to you! Stay tuned this year for some new and exciting content.

Check out my last post: Natural Hair Products — My Staple Items